Blog Enteries: September 2023

September 17, 2023

After a short nap, I was up and at it again.

My wordsmith sent over her finalized words for the scroll.  I really like it, so it's time for me to apply text to page.

This is me preparing my calligraphy page with pounce using a sock I found on my sofa.

Update piece on the 3 panels side-by-side.  I still need to decide how I'll be presenting everything else.  I don't know yet.  

September 16, 2023

I spent the day out in Durham, NC teaching classes at Atlantian University.

I taught 3 classes today and took a handful of classes myself.  We also got to take some pretty interesting classes taught by the amazing Captain Rodrigo de Luis of Meridies.

I'm glad I brought my fencing instructor with me to help me with some of my classes.  This was my first time teaching at the University, and I was concerned that I would need additional support.  

Together, we taught: 

On a frustrating note, my fencing notebook with all my class notes for my two classes grew legs and walked off 15 minutes before I was going to start teaching.  It was the first time I've taught one of those classes, and I didn't have all the stuff committed to memory yet.  

But we winged it anyways.

Even had a few people drop in from the street to participate!

I then taught my "Art of Period Fencing Plates" by myself, and even got her to draw! 

In total, taught 3 classes today.  

It was exhausting.  

September 15, 2023

So I decided that it would be a great idea to fly my Pelican over for general mischief.  In her case, I just bought her a plane ticket, had the ticket sent to her cell phone and surprised her. ;)

September 12, 2023

Getting started on Catalan Scroll Pages 5 & 6.

Things that I still need to add to the whole piece:

I decided to go in and gild Pittsburgh

September 11, 2023

Putting the two pieces together.

September 10, 2023

I got to enjoy listening to one of Montengarde's legendary "Bard Hards" while illustrating my scroll.

I decided to illustrate myself into the scroll while holding a parasol.  

September 9, 2023

I went to work adding some touches to my 3&4 panels today.  This time, I added some crytids.

September 8, 2023

I haven't been doing much these past few days.  I've had a horrible migraine that's kept me in bed.  I've managed to get up today to eat food and spend time with my family.  It's been a great time since my parents could come by to visit.  They'll be leaving soon, and I know that I'll miss them terribly.

I also put my pen nibs to soak and clean.

September 5, 2023

Panels 1 & 2 of the Catalan map are complete!  I started to work on the documentation page at the same time.  You can follow along here.

I'm still working through design issues and logistics, such as "how in the world am I going to stick everything together?!"

I thought about mounting it on wood, much like the extant is.  But that whole process has led me down a rabbit hole involving several laurels telling me not to mount it if I've never mounted anything before.  

I've also been advised by others that the recipient will likely be putting this piece on display somewhere and that most people don't have the wall space to hang anything.

Currently, it's projected that the map alone will be 34 inches long.

If I add the other two vellum leaves, that will be 51 inches, more or less.

I'm seriously considering folding the middle of each leaf and then stitching the pieces together with some period stitches.  

I haven't decided yet.

Panel 3& 4

I started work on panels 3&4 today.  Deadlines are starting to come in and I hope to get this section done soon.

Panels 3&4 contain part of Atlantia, the East, AEthelmearc and a little sliver of Ealdomere.  I'm trying to figure out how to make everything "fit" together.

September 4, 2023

I originally posted this image on social media while attempting to hunt down a description of this compass.

Thankfully, the incredible Maitresse Philomene de Lys came to my aid by writing the following: "They are wind directions/compass rose:

The Mariner's Windrose

The sudden emergence of Mediterranean portolan charts in the early 1300s, originally in Genoa, but soon in Venice and Majorca too, are believed to be constructed on the basis of sailing directions long written down in the piloting handbooks (portolani) of Mediterranean seafarers. The directions, maps and nautical magnetic compass, which emerged almost simultaneously, were articulated in an eight-point compass system, with the following names:


(NE) Greco

(E) Levante

(SE) Scirocco

(S) Ostro

(SW) Libeccio or Garbino

(W) Ponente

(NW) Maestro

From these eight principal winds, 16-wind roses could be constructed with half-winds (NNE, ENE, etc.) which merely combined the names of the principal winds (e.g. NNE would be Greco-Tramontana, ENE Greco-Levante, and so on). 32-wind roses, which were already present in the early 1300s charts, relied on placing quarter-winds in between (the names of the quarter-winds were also just combinations of names of the principal winds (see Boxing the compass).

The eight compass winds are evidently from the Italian-tinged lingua franca in the Mediterranean Sea during the High and Late Middle Ages.[94] Of the eight winds, only two can be traced to prior Classical winds – Ostra (S) from the Latin Auster, and Libeccio (SW) from the Greek Lips – but the others seem to be largely conceived autonomously.

Levante (rising, E) and Ponente (setting, W) are self-evidently related to the sun's position, but are etymologically quite different from the classical terms (which might refer to lightness, darkness or the sun itself, but none explicitly refer to the verbs rising or setting). Tramontana , Italianate for "over the mountains", most probably relates to the Alps of northern Italy, has nothing to do with the classical Aparctias-Septentrio (although it may have a faint connection with the old Greek Boreas, which lingered in Venetian parlance as the Bora of the Adriatic Sea). The Maestro is, as noted, the west Mediterranean Mistral, a wind already given in the Latin rose as Circius, but the name here is novel."

I'm adding it here for your reading pleasure, and so that I don't lose it when I go to work on the rest of the scroll.

September 3, 2023

I didn't do much in terms of artwork or illustration.  Instead, I was kidnapped  and taken to Wilmington, NC by my husband and sister to spend the day doing fun after work.  

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get much sleep because it was right after work.  I still had some fun though.

September 2, 2023

More work goes into the Catalan Scroll Peerage Project.  I noticed that I didn't have a consistent hand to work with on this project, so I went to work and derived this alphabet from the extant.

You can read about that process right here.

Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday

I desperately wanted to go to this event, but mundane life had other expectations.  Despite trying for weeks to get this weekend off, they decided to keep me scheduled for JUST that Saturday.  I don't have any explanation as to why other than I needed to be there.


The moment I get to work, I found out I was in charge that night.  Good thing I went.  There was a lot of stuff that I'm glad I was there for.  A lot of it was a "good catch."  

But in other news, one of my scrolls went out in court.  Here is the write-up and documentation for this assignment.

September 1, 2023

Getting started on the Catalan Scroll Peerage Project.  Here's a video of me drawing the outlines of the borders of AEthelmearc using my glass pen while watching the latest season of "Wheel of  Time" in the background.

Finished Penciling Everying In

This was how I drafted out the map, I ended up joining them together while I was drafting it out off of my computer screen.  I had to keep stopping to go off and prep more vellum for this project

Lining with Ink

Going over everything with waterproof, archival India ink over the vellum