Other Indenture Text Examples

Ne D 4340 - Defeasance from William Talbot to James Thornhill of a recognizance of a statute staple; 19 Jun. 1599 from University of Nottingham 

Text of the Deed

[line 1] This Indenture made the nynetenth daye of June in thone and fortith yeare of the Raigne

[line 2] Of our Sou[er]aigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England, Fraunce and Ireland Queene

[line 3] defender of the faith &c. Betweene William Talbott of Walesbie in the Countie of Nottingham gent of thone

[line 4] p[ar]tie And James Thornehill of Tuxfourd in the said Countie of Nottingham yeoman of the other p[ar]tie Witnesseth

[line 5] that whereas the said James Thornehill by one Recognizance or Weytinge obligatory bearing date w[i]th these

[line 6] p[rese]nt[es] Taken acknowledged and sealed before Sir John Popham knight Lorde Cheife Justice of

[line 7] Englande made according to the statute in that behaulfe provided and sett forth for the

[line 8] Recovery of debt[es], Is and standeth bownde to the said William Talbott in the som[m]e of two hundred merkes

[line 9] of lawfull money of England payable as by the same Recognizance or weyting obligator appeareth

[line 10] Neverthelesse it is agreed betweene the said p[ar]toies And the said William Talbott is contented & pleased

[line 11] And by these p[re]sent[es] for him his executors and administrators doth covenant and graunte to and w[i]th

[line 12] The said James Thornehill his heires executors and administrators That if the said James Thornehill

[line 13] his heires executors and administrators and every of them doe well and trewly p[er]forme observe fullfill

[line 14] and keepe all and every the Covenant[es] graunt[es] articles and agreement[es] comprised and especified

[line 15] in one paire of Indentures had and made Betweene the said James Thornehill of thone p[ar]tie and

[line 16] Thomas Talbott of London draper of the other p[ar]tie bearing date w[i]th these p[re]sent[es] w[hi]ch on the parte

[line 17] and behaulfe of the said James Thornehill his heires executors and administrators are to be

[line 18] p[er]formed and keept That then this p[re]sent Recognizance or weyting obligatory to be voide and of

[line 19] non effect or els to stand and be in full strength power and vertue